New Delhi: Brace yourself to pay Rs 100 for a litre of petrol in the New Year. Only a few states such as West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan have marginally cut VAT rates of oil prices. But it has provided relief only once last year when it cut excise rates by Rs 2 per litre for both the products.The Centre increased excise duty on petrol and diesel on nine occasions between November 2014 and China process of molding Suppliers January 2016 that has more than doubled its excise collections. This could push up oil prices in the fourth quarter to over $100 a barrel,” said an oil sector analyst who did not wish to be quoted on projections.“The US sanctions on Iran and its intent to strictly enforce the restrictions will suck out almost 1.12 a litre in Delhi on Wednesday, is already at record high levels.86 a litre and diesel Rs 74. There is no supply response at present to suggest that this big gap can be filled quickly.Petrol is being retailed Rs 82.

But the petrol prices has already reached Rs 90. And to top it, if rupee depreciates further, every Re 1 fall in its exchange rate against the dollar will add another 65 paisa to pump prices of auto fuels. Crude prices are over 35 per cent higher now than on August 1. Chennai is also not far behind and petrol is being retailed there at Rs 86.13 a litre now.The prediction is based on simple calculation of roughly 40-50 paisa per litre increase in retail prices of petrol and diesel for every one dollar increase in international crude oil prices. Officials in public sector oil marketing companies said in the absence of any intervention to tame prices, petrol could cross Rs 100 per litre mark in most parts of the country by January 2019.The situation with VAT duty levied by states is worse at it is applied on value of the product (ad valorem rate) and is not a fixed rate as excise duty. Maharashtra has the highest incidence of VAT that probably explains while fuel prices there is highest in the country..With global analysts and reports of major oil trading houses now suggesting that international oil prices may breach $100 mark by the end of the year or early next year, retail prices of petrol and diesel have no way but to move further northwards.


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“We wanted to make sure that our interests in the JV were sufficiently protected and we had the right kind of protections and the right kind of access,” Western Digital Chief Executive Steve Milligan told a conference call.Toshiba gained the upper hand in negotiations with Western Digital after securing a $5.Toshiba Corp and its chip business China pallet mold Manufacturers partner Western Digital Corp agreed to settle a long-running dispute over the embattled Japanese conglomerate’s plans to sell its chip unit, the companies said in a statement, removing a key obstacle to the deal.The joint statement said both companies “have agreed on mutual protections for their assets and confidential information in connection with the sale of Toshiba Memory, and on collaborating to ensure the future success of Toshiba Memory as a public company following an eventual IPO.

The ownership ratio for the joint ventures remains 50.They also plan to enter into a definitive agreement “in due course” under which Western Digital will participate in a new chip plant that Toshiba will start building next year in northern Japan, the statement said.1 percent for Toshiba and 49.Argyle Street Management Ltd, a Hong Kong-based hedge fund with $1.South Korean chipmaker SK Hynix Inc’s participation in the Bain consortium has infuriated Western Digital and a key sticking point in recent weeks had been how to ensure it would be blocked from accessing proprietary information that belonged to the chip unit, sources have previously said.Argyle is inviting the 30-plus overseas investors who participated in Toshiba’s new share issue to team up in opposition to the deal although it remains to be seen just how much traction it will gain.. The current agreements are set to start expiring from 2021.The sale also needs to clear regulatory reviews, but they are not expected to scuttle the deal.9 percent for Western Digital.The settlement calls for Western Digital to drop arbitration claims seeking to stop the sale to the Bain consortium in exchange for Toshiba allowing the US partner to invest in a new production line starting next year for advanced memory chips.4 billion cash injection from overseas funds that will allow it to bolster its balance sheet before the end of March and avoid a delisting.


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As Akamai&China process of molding Manufacturers39;s report highlights, one method of dealing with this situation centres on ‘bank drops’ – packages of data that can be used to fraudulently open accounts at a given financial institution. Bank drops will typically include a person's stolen identity – often called 'fullz' by criminals online, including name, address, date of birth, Social Security details, driver's license information, and credit score.Akamai ’s findings revealed that 94 per cent of # observed attacks against the financial services sector came from one of four methods: SQL Injection (SQLi), Local File Inclusion (LFI), Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and OGNL Java Injection (which accounted for more than 8 million attempts during this reporting period).Once criminals have succeeded in their schemes, they need to process their ill-gotten data and funds.In the financial services industry, criminals have also started launching DDoS attacks as a distraction to conduct credential stuffing attacks or to exploit a web-based vulnerability.

There is a deep level of irony in the fact that criminals are targeting the very industry they need to survive. Secure access to the fraudulent accounts comes via remote desktop servers, which are matched to the geographic location of the bank and the 'fullz'. What most businesses don’t realize, however, is that criminals are recycling old attack methods. The data shows that, in addition to unique phishing attempts, adversaries also leveraged credential stuffing attacks to the tune of 3. When taking the phishing domains targeting consumers only into consideration, 50 per cent of those targeted companies in the financial services industry.The criminal economy thrives, in part, because they target the financial services industry.5 billion attempts during an 18-month period, putting the personal data and banking information of financial services customers at risk.Financial institutions continue to investigate the ways in which criminals are opening these drop accounts, and are working diligently to stay ahead of the curve.


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57 in May 2012 and again reached its peak at Rs 83. We should remember that NDA government raised excise duty on nine occasions between November 2014 and January 2016 increasing its excise collections from mere Rs 99,184 crore in FY 15 to Rs 2,42,691 crore on FY17 and almost similar collections in FY 18.97 and $105. The government deregulated petrol prices in 2010 and diesel prices in 2014 after which OMCs are free to fix its price.Highest petrol price Mumbai stood at Rs 79.As per government data, price of petrol rose to its highest levels in the last two years of UPA regime. In Mumbai, petrol price reached Rs 78.Contrast this with oil price situation now, it becomes ample clear that NDA government is focusing more on preventing its revenue sources by keeping excise duty on petrol and diesel high than offering consumers lower China pallet mold Manufacturers fuel prices.43 in FY18.52 a barrel respectively.99 (on October 3) in 2017, while the average crude oil price of Indian basket stood at an average of mere $56.The previous Congress-led UPA government had lost the elections in 2014 when petrol prices had soared in September 2013 to Rs 83.

Moreover, during those two years the central exercise duty the two products worked out to be lesser by Rs 10 a litre on petrol and Rs 11 a litre on diesel.In the past, skyrocketing onion prices had political parties in tears. But In 2013, prices rose up to Rs 100 per kg in north India. History says onion prices played a big role in unseating the first non-Congress government at the Centre in 1980“This coincidence should not be brushed aside by the ruling party that is looking to win the 2019 elections again riding high on continuing popularity of prime minister Narendra Modi..93 a litre on May 27, considering that average price of crude stood at $69. In 2018, petrol price in Mumbai has already reached Rs 85. Expensive edible bulb did the Congress Delhi and Rajasthan.62 in September 2013. This is almost identical to price trends under the current NDA government now when petrol prices have already crossed all-time high levels and have shot up to Rs 85. Now its time for cuts and there should not be any reluctance,” said a member of oil consumers association .


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5 per cent in the next financial year from 3.9 per cent in 2015-16. New Delhi: The government is likely to reduce tax exemptions for corporate sector faster than tax rates to help it mop up higher corporate tax revenue next year. This could create space for the government at the start of the financial year itself to allocate more money for investment and less on petroleum subsidies. The issue has not even been discussed (as part of budget-making process),” he said. The document prepared by the economic division of the finance ministry was placed in Parliament in December 2015. The government has proposed to bring down corporate tax rates to 25 per cent from 30 per cent in the next four years with the first cut coming in 2016-17. Other areas of hope for next year’s budget are crude oil prices that continue to go down. Low oil prices would bring in additional savings on subsidies.“It (higher deficit for next financial year) is their view.7 lakh crore, while the overall tax collection is aimed at Rs 14. These savings were the key driver of higher investment by the government this financial year.On petrol, excise now stands at Rs 7.

The argument cited in favour of the cuts is that high corporate income tax rate was bad advertisement for India as an attractive investment destination when compared to its competitors, while offering no advantage to the government.. This would also assist it to partly meet the demand for higher investment in the economy and wages for its employees, a senior official said, on conditions of anonymity.The official said the pay commission award, which will contribute to private consumption demand and higher growth next financial year, would also be positive for revenue collections. These cuts will be tied up with withdrawal of exemptions that the companies enjoy.Next year, the benchmark for crude prices while calculating subsidies could be kept at $50 a barrel as against $70 a barrel this year, the official said.5 lakh crore.The government has utilised the headroom available, due to lower crude prices, to increase excise on petroleum products seven times since November 2014. Due to exemptions effective, corporate tax rate is 23 per cent in India, government estimates show. The official said this year’s target would be met, but declined to discuss whether targets for the next year would be reset. There will be demands of the Seventh Pay Commission to balance this spending with the need to bring down fiscal deficit, therefore more tax and non-tax revenues would be needed.83 a litre.Eyes higher revenue to meet investment demand.


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Sources said OMCs have not been issued any written order on petrol prices, but the government being its largest shareholder has exercised its control to make sure that companies absorb a portion of the hike in retail prices and prevent consumers from paying abnormally higher prices. Companies are fixing the fuel prices on the basis of international oil prices,” Pradhan told reporters.But the system has now become a big headache for the government as constant increase in global prices is pushing up retail petrol and diesel prices daily. This would mean OMC would start China crate mold Suppliers incurring losses on selling the product in Delhi very soon.State-run fuel retailers Indian Oil Corp, Bharat Petroleum Corp and Hindustan Petroleum Corp switched to daily price revision from a fortnightly pricing system in June as the government sought to further the pricing reforms in the sector when prices remained subdued. What has pinched the consumers most is that after the switch over to daily price revision by OMCs in July, retail price of petrol and diesel has consistently moved up with reductions only in the first fortnight period.“The finance ministry is not inclined to cut excise duty as revenue mobilisation is paramount to prevent fiscal deficit from going further out of control.

Moreover, Opec is also working a production related arrangement with US shale oil producers that could continue the present surge in oil prices. Rather than price control, the effort should be reduce excise duty on petroleum products. Crude oil price (Indian basket) is hovering around $65 a barrel (Indian basket) while retail price of petrol has reached at Rs 73.To test the new scheme, sources said OMCs would absorb any hike in petrol price beyond Rs 75 only in Delhi.“There is no such direction (to hold price hike). The October 4, Rs 2 excise duty cut is first such announcement by the government. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has already linked his expectation of higher oil prices of $ 80 with the timing of the initial public offering of world’s largest oil company Saudi Aramco later this year. This would ease the situation and price controls could be withdrawn,” said a government official not willing to be named. The big criticism the government has faced is on account of higher petrol and diesel prices even though global oil prices have remained low in an oversupplied market. In fact, this was the logic given by the government when it raised excise duty on products on nine occasions between 2014-16 when crude oil prices were low,” said an oil industry expert asking not to be named.“The government seems to be experimenting too much to control the situation of rising petrol prices.94 a litre and given that benchmark Brent crude oil price is rising and has reached close to $ 72 barrel while the Indian basket of crude is hovering just below $ 70 a barrel, it would soon breach the Rs 75 a litre mark.


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A second official, based in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s office, said it was “very unfortunate” that the RBI took the matters public.In a speech to top industrialists, Acharya cited the Argentine government’s meddling in its central bank’s affairs in 2010 as an example of what can go wrong.An RBI spokesman was not immediately available for comments after business hours.New Delhi: Indian government officials are very upset with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for publicly talking about a rift with the government, fearing it could tarnish the country’s image among investors, senior officials said on Monday.The Modi administration has also been pushing the central bank to part with some of its 3.One said that it was vital that what happened between the government in New Delhi and the RBI in Mumbai was kept confidential..“When we are facing problems on the external front like high crude oil prices, trade tensions putting pressure on our current account balance, can we afford another domestic crisis?” the third government source said.The official in the prime minister’s office said Patel could face a tough time when he appears before a parliamentary standing committee on Nov.Also Read: RBI employees association seek central bank&China automotive injection mold Factory39;s autonomy: Viral Acharya“Governments that do not respect central bank independence will sooner or later incur the wrath of financial markets, ignite an economic fire, and come to rue the day # they undermined an important regulatory institution,” Acharya said.

It was not expected from the RBI,” the official added. The gains were largely a result of a separate announcement by the RBI about an injection of liquidity through government bond buying.6 trillion rupees ($49 billion)surplus to help bridge the fiscal deficit and finance its welfare programmes. 12.Japan trip The officials in New Delhi were particularly angry that Acharya launched the attack while Modi was about to head to Japan for talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the first source said. “The government respects the autonomy and independence of the RBI but they must understand their responsibility,” the official said.Top government officials said they were surprised that Patel, who was appointed by the Modi administration in 2016 and initially cooperated with New Delhi, is creating tensions when the government is facing criticism over handling of the economy before a national election, due by next May. “The government is very upset.Government officials believe that RBI Governor Urjit Patel has some responsibility for the controversy, and he cannot expect an extension of his current three-year term - which ends next September - “as his right”, one of the officials added.Modi’s government is pushing the RBI to relax lending norms for small businesses and pump more liquidity into the market to bolster economic growth before key state elections due in the next few weeks and the general election.


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The rear profile features LED tail lamps, and like always, they look more Volvo-ish than China automotive injection mold Honda.5-litre VTEC Turbo, a direct-injected, turbocharged petrol producing 190PS of max power and 242Nm of max torque. Interiors and Features As is the case with the exterior, the 2017 CR-V features completely redesigned interiors, incorporating upgraded materials such as a new soft-touch instrument panel and more intricately stitched seats.5-litre turbo. It is likely to be launched in the European market next year and will hit Indian market in a couple of years. Let's have a look at the 2017 Honda CR-V. We also expect that Honda will offer a diesel with the fifth-generation model of the SUV in India. The SUV will also feature a family of latest turbocharged petrol engines, the VTEC Turbo. It will offer Honda’s latest seven-inch touchscreen infotainment system, which protrudes out of the dashboard. It will be powered by a 1. It will also come with the carried over 2. Both engines will be mated to a continuously variable transmission (CVT) with Honda G-Shift control logic and it comes with an option of FWD (front-wheel-drive) or AWD (all-wheel-drive) drivetrain. Like we have mentioned before, the 2017 CR-V is based on Honda’s latest global compact platform and courtesy of it, the CR-V has grown nearly 38mm in length. The Suite will come with CMBS (collision mitigation braking) with (FCW) forward collision warning and pedestrian-sensing capability,

RDM (road departure mitigation) with LDW (lane departure warning), ACC (adaptive cruise control) with low-speed follow and LKAS (lane keeping assist). It is based on the compact global platform upon which the tenth-generation Civic is also based.The new CR-V will probably be launched in the European market next year and will hit the Indian market after a couple of Design and PlatformThe CR-V borrows design cues from the latest Hondas (especially the current-gen Civic), featuring a ‘windswept’ front end. It now has a longer bonnet compared to the previous model and offers all-LED headlights with wing-shaped LED daytime running lights, both found on the India-bound face-lifted Accord and the Civic.Mechanicals The 2017 CR-V will offer turbocharged petrol for the first time ever since its inception in 1997.Rest of the new features in the 2017 CR-V include remote engine start, dual-zone climate controls, heated side mirrors, an EPB (electric parking brake), rear USB charging ports, front passenger seats with four-way power adjustment and driver's seat with eight-way power adjustment and four-way power lumbar support along with heated front seats. Besides the regular features such as multiple airbags and ABS (anti-lock braking system), the new safety equipment in the 2017 CR-V will include an updated Honda Sensing Suite (not available in India).


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V., that have become migrants here,” reports Karn an, while calling for active citizen participation in such programmes. “This helped us to identify the area that is within and outside the tank,” explains Karnan, who also started an awareness campaign to show how the tank can help store rainwater while saving colonies from floods. “The forest department has identified various species of water birds including Jacana, Cormorant, Coot, Black-winged Stilt, Pond Heron, Moorhen, Purple Heron, Kingfisher, ducks, etc.IAS officer and District Collector of Mancherial, R. The entire tank is now filled with only rain water,” he says, adding, “The public has realised the importance of protecting the water bodies and are extremely happy to see more lung space.R. Karnan, IAS officer and District Collector of MancherialInterestingly, while the forest department provided China pallet mold Manufacturers the machinery

Singareni workers and police personnel voluntarily participated in the lake cleaning drive. “Within another six months, the entire area surrounding the lake will also come into use. The authorities have also created a walking track adjacent to the lake.After the irrigation authorities identified the full tank level (FTL) of the lake, the district administration fixed boundaries for it. We have already submitted the proposal to the government for renovation and beautification of the lake. We want to convert it into a recreational destination for the town,” he says.But now we have asked them to divert it into a dedicated sewage built by the municipality.”. Karnan recently ‘rescued’ a 48-acre heritage lake from being encroached.“With the help of volunteers, hundreds of students, TSSP 13th Battalion personnel, Singareni workers and residents, we removed plastic bags, filth, weeds and waste plants from the lake to protect it from pollution,” states Karnan.


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